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ContentFrom 3 grade to Senior year of high school, I have been in Special Education Class. My expriences from those classes have been helpful to me but not in a way to prepare for college. I rememeber, there was a teacher who only gave one to two assignments on Spelling and nothing else. Most students were done and she had nothing else to teach us for that day. In most of these classes I wasn't really pushed to my limit to prepare for an adult life. Some classes made me feel like I was just getting an A than earning it. I think the Special Education Classes should have more teachers to help the students. More than there is now in ALL school districts, not just in Mid-Del or some others. I feel that if the students are more challenged at their level and some what more then they can feel more prepared for college and adulthood. A better increase in graducation rates and not so many behind the system when going for jobs. Thank you for taking an interest in this idea.